2013 Ferrari FF with Siri, iPad integration for a better speed and tech filled ride

The 2013 Geneva Auto Show is proving to be another hotbed for technology and automobile geeks, where the bigger guys are putting up quite a show to outdo each other. If owning a Ferrari wasn’t just good enough; now the Ferrari FF will sport iPad integration feature in its setup. The 2013 edition of the supercar will also feature the additional benefit of having Siri eyes free integration while taking a ride in the backseat of the vehicle. The iPads will be fixed into the front seat headrests, where users can surf and control all their multimedia content via Apple’s ‘Siri’ programme, thus making the already thrilling ride in a Ferrari a step more tech friendly.

This setup wasn’t completed in a day. The chief of Apple’s software and services group Eddie Cue led a crucial role in ensuring that the new Ferrari FF sports this additional feature. Last year when Luca di Mentezemolo and Tim Cook sat down for doing something together, their mission was clear and something of this sort was always on the cards, which finally has manifested itself in the form of this upgrade in the Ferrari FF. And if the word is to be believed, this isn’t the end of it. We are still in the earlier half of 2013, and official statements say that Apple and Ferrari will be working on a large number of products together.



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